Action for Ukraine
Thank you for your interest in Action for Ukraine, a student-led fundraiser for Ukraine!-
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Hi everyone!
Thank you for your interest in Action for Ukraine, a student-led fundraiser for Ukraine!
The war in Ukraine is leading to an enormous humanitarian crisis, and the wellbeing of 7.5 million children is threatened. To provide them with water, food, shelter and other essentials UNICEF has set up a fund for Ukraine. Through this fundraiser, we aim to contribute to this fund.
At the event, we will be joined by Dr Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, professor at King's Russia Institute and author of the book 'The Red mirror: Putin's leadership and Russia's insecure identity'. She will share with us her insights on how President Vladimir Putin's background has led him to take the decisions he has taken in the current war.
The event is free of charge, but you will have the opportunity to donate to our society, which we in turn will go collectively to UNICEF's Ukraine fund.